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Benhill Dental Practice


Good dental hygiene for better oral health

Visiting the dentist on a regular basis is very important for good dental hygiene Sutton. Here at Benhill Dental Practice we recommend that you visit the dentist at least every six months and more regularly if you are prone to dental issues. Your dentist will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that your teeth are clean, your gums are strong and healthy and that you do not suffer from any underlying dental issues.

Avoiding the dentist can result in the development of many different types of dental problems, which you may not be aware of, as many of these can be asymptomatic to begin with, they can progress quite rapidly and eventually result in irreversible damage to your teeth. You may not realise that you have an issue until you are presenting with toothache, bleeding gums, sensitivity or other uncomfortable and painful symptoms, which are a sign that the issue has progressed significantly and requires urgent attention. This can be avoided by regular visits to our dentist at the practice who will be able to detect any dental conditions from the outset, so that they can be treated quickly and effectively before they are able to have a significant impact on your teeth or surrounding healthy teeth and gums.

Hygienist appointments

After examining your teeth and gums, your dentist may recommend that you have an appointment with your hygienist to help you maintain better dental hygiene Sutton. The hygienist will examine your gums even more closely than the dentist to make sure that you have no signs of gum disease. Gum disease is a common dental issue which is caused by the build-up of plaque on your teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance which forms on the surface of your teeth that can be removed by effective brushing. Unfortunately if plaque is not removed properly then it remains on your teeth and encourages the build-up of bacteria in your mouth and over time hardens, resulting in the formation of tartar. Tartar cannot be removed from your teeth by brushing alone.

The role of your hygienist is to remove excess plaque and tartar from your teeth using specialised cleaning techniques also known as a scale and polish, or a professional clean of your mouth. If you have not visited the hygienist before or you have avoided booking an appointment, then you may find that a significant amount of tartar has formed. Unfortunately this can result in gum disease or even periodontal disease, which is when plaque can not only damage your gums, but also the surrounding supportive structures of your teeth. Your hygienist will carry out a deep clean using scaling and planing techniques, and you will have to maintain a good oral hygiene routine with frequent visits to your dentist and hygienist for good dental hygiene Sutton.

Your dentist will recommend how often you should visit your hygienist, although it is recommended that you visit both the dentist and hygienist at least every six months, this will be dependent on your dental health and you may require more frequent appointments if you are prone to dental issues or excessive plaque and tighter formation. Speak to us at our dental practice today to find out more.

The effects of smoking on dental health

Smoking is a lifestyle choice that can have a significant detrimental effect on your overall well-being. The systemic effects of smoking are well-known and clearly indicated on tobacco products; however, despite warnings and restrictions, smoking continues to be a popular lifestyle choice throughout the world, dating back to the last four centuries. It is a highly addictive habit that can affect multiple organ systems and result in numerous tobacco-related diseases. Most people are aware of smoking-induced lung cancer and heart disease; however, smoking can affect all parts of your body in different ways, including your dental health.

To begin with, smoking can result in tooth staining and bad breath. Nicotine and tar can stain your teeth very quickly in a short amount of time, resulting in stubborn yellow stains that do not disappear with brushing alone. Bacterial plaque is also more prevalent in smokers, and over time, this can lead to the formation of tartar, which can form cavities in your teeth, resulting in tooth decay and even tooth loss. Smoking also reduces the amount of oxygen that circulates your body, and this can weaken your gums, making them more susceptible to disease. If you continue to smoke, you will be at a higher risk of having serious complications that are often irreversible; however, with smoking cessation Sutton, you can reduce the impact of smoking on your body sooner rather than later.

Here at Benhill Dental Practice, we will give you plenty of advice and guidance on smoking cessation Sutton. Your dental health is our priority, and our professional advice is that with smoking cessation Sutton, you can stop smoking gradually and successfully restore your dental health and overall well-being with time and effort.

Oral cancer from smoking

Smoking is one of the main causes of oral cancer, and each year several thousands of people are affected by smoking-induced oral cancer. This may begin as a small tumour in your mouth, either on your tongue, gums or on the inside of your cheeks. If you suffer from oral ulcers that are painful and persistent or find lumps in your mouth that are also persistent, then you have to visit our dentist as early as possible to prevent further complications in the future. Unfortunately, oral cancer can cause significant complications, but with smoking cessation, you can help prevent oral cancer from occurring or, if you are already suffering from cancer, prevent it from recurring.

If oral cancer is detected early on, then it can be treated successfully and with fewer complications and effects on other parts of your body. Therefore, here at Benhill Dental Practice, we offer oral cancer screening to make sure that you have good oral health and are free from any signs or symptoms of oral cancer. We recommend that you visit our dentist annually for your oral cancer screening, and we also hope that you visit us very soon to find out more about smoking cessation. Let us work with you to achieve a healthier lifestyle and better well-being.

Benhill Dental Practice Newsletter November 2021

Dear Patients,

We are happy to announce that we have a new Dentist joining our team, Dr Ali Sammarraie.

Dr Sammarraie will be working at our practice on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. He has over 16 years’ experience working in the NHS and Private sector. For more information on the services he offers please click here

How to book an appointment

Existing NHS patients wishing to book an NHS appointment

Telephone only – 0203 827 4522

Existing NHS / Private patients  wishing to book a Private appointment

Book online 24/7 using our Online Booking Portal found on our website


call us on 0203 827 4522

Reminder to existing NHS patients – Deregistration

Due to the unprecedented demand on NHS dental services in the area, we are asking all existing patients who were previously seen under the NHS to call us and book an appointment before 1st January 2022. We have appointments available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

As stated in our practice policies, patients who have not returned within 2 years of their last dental check-up will be automatically deregistered and will no longer be seen under the NHS. This is to give other people in the community the opportunity to access NHS dental services.

If you or your family have moved away or wish to be deregistered, please call us on 02038274522 so we can update our system.

Here is a quick reminder of the treatments we offer;

  • Emergency appointments
  • Routine treatments – Check-ups, fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges, dentures, root canals, extractions
  • Periodontal treatment – deep cleaning (root surface debridement)
  • Cosmetic treatments – composite bonding, veneers, cosmetic scale and polish, Mini – Smile Makeovers, Invisalign clear braces, Boutique teeth whitening, Facial Aesthetic treatments such as dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle treatments

Kind Regards,

Benhill Dental Practice Team

Have a dental phobia? Our team answers common FAQs

Do you have a fear of the dentist which is beginning to impact your confidence?

At Benhill Dental Practice, our team is trained to help you overcome any dental phobia Sutton you may have and we always endeavour to make your trip to see us as pleasant as possible.

Here, our team answers the most common questions we receive about having a dental phobia Sutton, so use this information to help conquer your fears.

What causes dental aversion?

There are many reasons why someone may develop a dental phobia Sutton.

In many cases, this problem has been caused by a situation early in life; perhaps you were seen by a dentist who was not very compassionate, or perhaps you recall a toothache that led to a very unpleasant experience in the dental chair.

Irrespective of the cause of your dental aversion, it is important to have it managed appropriately by a trained and sympathetic team. Avoiding check-ups can lead to more serious issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease, which in turn can cause more invasive and unpleasant experiences to occur.

If you have a phobia of the dentist and want to overcome it, please contact our team.

What can be done to help me relax?

Luckily, our team can offer you a myriad of options to help you relax.

For one thing, we are proud to be able to offer pain-free dentistry; this is possible due to our team’s expertise and the equipment that we use throughout the procedures.

Should you like to be more ‘in the know’ during treatments, our team will happily talk you through what we are doing and will be able to offer reassurance at every stage of the process. If you are undertaking a more complex procedure, we will be able to offer you a local anaesthetic.

I haven’t seen a dentist in a while; will I be judged due to the condition of my teeth?

Not by our team!

At the practice, our team always aims to practise compassionate dentistry and will endeavour to make you feel as relaxed as possible while we examine and work on your teeth.

We are also aware of the spiral that can occur with dental anxieties; you have a concern and thus you avoid getting it seen to due to fear of being judged. Our team wants you to have a healthy, functional mouth and so we will never lecture or belittle you over dental hygiene.

Do you offer pain-free dentistry?

Our team at Benhill strives to offer pain-free dentistry. By using the most gentle and advanced tools, we can ensure that your trip to see our team will be as pleasant as possible.

If at any time during a dental procedure you feel discomfort, please inform our team and we will endeavour to alleviate it.

Can you help me allay my fears of the dentist?

We will always aim to make our nervous patients feel as relaxed as possible when they visit us.

And, to help prevent further issues from occurring, we will aim to prevent problems that may arise in the future. This may involve the use of fluoride sealants to inhibit decay. In short, everything we do at the surgery will be to make sure your trip to see us is as comfortable as possible, while also helping you overcome your dental concerns.

Switching from silver to white fillings; advantages

Are you fed up with seeing black fillings when you smile in photos?

When you come to Benhill Dental Practice, we can help! We can make the switch from silver to white fillings Sutton, allowing you to reap the benefits of composite over metal restoratives.

So, what are some of the benefits of switching from silver to white fillings Sutton?


What is an advantage of switching from silver to white fillings Sutton? Well, for one thing, the result is more likely to last longer!

Amalgam fillings are made from a mixture of different metals, which makes the final filling or crown durable under pressure, thus allowing you to bite and chew without issue. However, as is the way with all metals, amalgam can expand under hot temperatures and shrink back down when it gets cold, far from ideal if you regularly drink tea or enjoy iced water!

The result is that if you have an amalgam restorative, you are at a higher risk of needing it replaced more often, while also suffering the nasty side-effects that can come with a missing restorative, such as a toothache or abscess!

Composite does not react in such a way to changes in temperature, and thus provides a longer-lasting filling.


There’s no easy way to say this; if you have a metal filling, it is likely to look black, blue or even green under certain lighting. Not exactly what you want to have when laughing or smiling for photos!

And while there is nothing wrong with this if the filling is placed on the back molars, it can cause issues with your smile if it is nearer to the front. One of the best things about having a white or composite filling fitted is that our team can match its colour perfectly to the surrounding tooth, meaning it is visually seamless. Should you need the filling to be placed on top of a molar, we can create all the nooks and crannies that are required to keep it looking realistic. And voila! A restored tooth that doesn’t draw attention or doesn’t appear discoloured!


The enamel on your teeth is porous, hence why many people suffer from dental sensitivity. The holes in the enamel become elongated or exposed due to diet or abrasion, making it feel uncomfortable when you consume hot or cold drinks.

While amalgam or silver fillings aim to resolve this somewhat, when compared to the structure of composite, they are also quite porous. And so, if you have a deep filling or crown that is made from amalgam, silver or another metal, it is more likely to create new sensitivity issues.

If you notice sensitivity in one of your teeth that has a silver filling, please talk to our team about having it replaced with composite.


When fitting a metal filling, our team will usually have to remove more of the healthy tooth around the decay. Why?

Because the metal or amalgam doesn’t bond to the tooth as well as the composite material does, meaning that we have to make the hole larger. But this in turn means that there is a higher chance of the filling falling out when exposed to pressure, not to mention the issues that it can cause with sensitivity.

Dental Practice News – August 2021*

Dr Alexandra Fivey and Associates at Benhill Dental Practice

*Practice News*

We have updated our website

It is important that our patients have better access to practice information and the services we provide. Please visit our website and use our online Booking Portal which is available 24/7 (private and hygiene appointments only).

Important update for all existing NHS patients


Due to an overwhelming number of patients wishing to register as an NHS patient at our practice, we have reviewed our practice policies. Existing NHS patients who wish to still be seen under the NHS must attend our practice at least once every 2 years. This is will enable us to offer NHS services to new patients, but only once all of our existing NHS patients have been given the opportunity to be seen. Due to the pandemic we are temporarily extending this to 3 years until 31st March 2022. Therefore we are asking all NHS patients who have not been seen since 2018 to call us and book an appointment as soon as possible to avoid being deregistered.


*Booking a Private appointments and out of hours appointments (evening and weekends)*

We continue to offer Private appointments for New and Existing Patients who

  • wish to sign up to our New Practice Plan (from as little as £9.35 a month*)
  • would prefer Private treatments e.g. white fillings, teeth whitening, hygiene appointments
  • do not wish to wait for an NHS appointment
  • require flexible appointments (before 8.30am and after 5pm Mon – Fri, and weekends)

Register or book online using our online Booking Portal or call us directly on 020 3827 4522.

*Our promise to you*

We would like to reassure you that we are working in a COVID-19-safe environment, following strict protocols set out by Public Health England. We have all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and will continue to follow our high standards of cross infection control. We have excellent safety procedures and a robust triaging policy to ensure both the safety of patients and staff.

What are the benefits of white teeth?

Everyone longs for a beautiful smile but what exactly makes a smile beautiful? Basically, a great looking smile requires three fundamental traits: aligned healthy teeth, healthy gums and white teeth Sutton.


At Benhill Dental Practice we love to help our patients to achieve beautiful smiles which is why we offer top quality dental treatments, including professional teeth whitening, to keep smiles looking happy and healthy.

We would like patients to know that white teeth Sutton is so much more than a superficial aesthetic concern. Having white teeth Sutton is beneficial for numerous reasons, some of which may not be apparent at first. We take a look at some of these reasons why we believe it is a good idea to consider teeth whitening procedures as well as the arguments for professional teeth whitening at the dentist.

Positive effects of teeth whitening

Improve aesthetics

Teeth that are discoloured tend to look aged, unattractive and unhealthy. Whether due to staining, smoking or the natural effects of time, teeth whitening treatments can reverse the effects of discolouration.

Look good for special occasions

Fortunately, teeth whitening treatments produce desired results in a relatively quick time, more so, when opting for in-chair procedures. This means that patients who need to look good for a special event or who will be looking for a new job can improve the look of their smile without worrying about lengthy treatment plans.

Improve dental health

This is one of those not-so-obvious benefits that take patients by surprise. There are two ways in which whiter teeth have a positive effect on oral health. The first is that in many cases, yellow teeth are caused by an underlying poor dental health condition.

Visiting a dentist for teeth whitening gives us the chance to determine the cause of discolouration, and if this is due to a dental problem, we can treat the cause and then proceed to whiten teeth. Or, when consulting for teeth whitening, we are obliged to conduct a dental health check before attempting to correct cosmetic issues. Either way, this is to a patient’s benefit as their dental health wins.

Secondly, we have found that once patients have whitened their teeth and love the look of their dazzling new smile, they are motivated to protect this look. They will invariably refrain from those bad lifestyle habits like smoking that are so detrimental to bright smiles. And if they have not paid attention to their oral hygiene regimens before, they do even more so carefully after investing in teeth whitening.

For best aesthetic results when considering a cosmetic procedure, it is always wise to rely on the services of true professionals. And as there are no professionals as better qualified, trained or experienced as dentists when it comes to the mouth, dental practitioners make the ultimate safest choice for teeth whitening treatments.

For a highly experienced dental team with a gentle and caring approach to dental care, make sure to choose Benhill Dental Practice. At our practice, we welcome both private and NHS patients looking for a one-stop dental clinic for quality general and cosmetic dentistry. Reach out to our friendly front desk team to schedule an appointment.

Why is it important to keep on top of your oral hygiene?

The process at home

From a young age the majority of people are taught and instructed on ways to clean their teeth at home. Unfortunately, the detail to this teaching is often lacking and therefore a quick brush when we wake up and before we go to bed can become the normal routine. Whilst this brushing is of course important, on its own and without a high level of efficiency the overall effectiveness of the clean can be somewhat muted and lead to problems such as bad breath and bleeding of the gums.

So how can you improve your overall cleaning process?

The first important thing to do when looking after your oral hygiene Sutton is to attend regular dental appointments with us at Benhill Dental Practice and in some cases our hygienist as well. These appointments not only discover any potential problems early on, but can also provide you with tips and tweaks to make to your daily cleaning process. This is of extreme importance, as it puts in place preventive measures reducing the probability of more serious dental treatments and procedures further down the line.

During your appointments, whilst a dental education may not seem interesting, your dental team will be able to discover any flaws within your cleaning process and help educate you on how to improve it. This can range from encouraging flossing or using an electric toothbrush to employing a combination of a variety of dental equipment. Whilst this education is of great importance, the responsibility then lies with you to ensure you follow the advice given and work on improving your oral hygiene Sutton.

Bleeding and swollen gums

When we cut ourselves and bleed we often deal with the problem there and then, learning our lesson and yet many people with gums that bleed choose to ignore the bleeding. As with most injuries this bleeding is a warning sign and one that should not be ignored. Gingivitis which can develop into periodontal disease is quite common among patients and is often the result of plaque build-up around the teeth. Whilst a little bleeding may seem insignificant, over time this can result in further dentals problems such as tooth loss. It is therefore essential to work with your dental team and hygienist to ensure that your overall oral hygiene Sutton is at the top of its game.

Creating positive experiences from a young age

Whilst it may seem a little far fetched taking a baby to the dentist when they first get a tooth, putting the visitation process in motion is of great importance. Not only are you setting the overall dental hygiene regime up for success, but you are also establishing a firm dental routine for them which hopefully will continue throughout the rest of their lives. Studies have shown that patients who visit the dentist regularly from a young age are less likely to suffer from fears and anxieties towards their dental visits later in life. Putting in the groundwork at a young age therefore encourages positive experiences from the start, whilst also ensuring a high level of oral hygiene Sutton.

What are the causes of sensitive teeth?

There are many different factors which can result in sensitivity of your teeth and here at Benhill Dental Practice we know that sensitivity is an uncomfortable and painful problem. Rest assured however that it is a common problem that we deal with on a regular basis and we encourage you to book an appointment with your dentist at our practice to find out more about how we can help you with sensitive teeth Sutton.

One of the main causes of sensitive teeth Sutton is the loss of tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the essential thin outer layer of your tooth which is designed to protect the dentine underneath. Over the course of life, although it is the hardest tissue in the human body, unfortunately enamel can gently erode away and become worn, which slowly leads to the exposure of the dentine underneath, thus causing sensitive teeth Sutton. Enamel erosion occurs as a result of high levels of sugar and acids in your diet which lead to the formation of plaque and tartar on your teeth. Unfortunately, this can not only affect the enamel, but cause other dental diseases such as tooth decay or gingivitis too. Smoking and tobacco can have a detrimental effect on your tooth enamel. Other factors such as brushing your teeth too vigorously or misalignment of your teeth or jaw which results in grinding of your teeth can also damage the enamel. There are some underlying diseases which can result in enamel erosion and eating disorders are also detrimental to your oral health. Our dentist here at Benhill Dental Practice will provide friendly and experienced advice to help you deal with sensitivity.

The signs and symptoms of sensitivity

One of the first signs of sensitivity, which is also the main symptom, is pain or tingling in your mouth when you are eating or drinking. This is usually worsened by either extremes of temperature, so you may find that you are unable to enjoy ice creams or cold drinks, or tolerate hot food or hot drinks such as tea and coffee. In this situation it is important that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can help ease your discomfort and prevent further complications in the future. Sensitive teeth are a common problem and you can rest assured that your comfort and ease is our main priority. We want you to experience optimal oral health for as long as possible in life, so speak to us at Benhill Dental Practice to find out how we can help you. We know that sensitivity issues can hinder lifestyle choices and with good advice we  will prevent this as much as possible for you. Speak to us to find out about how you can protect your tooth enamel and also so we can help advise you on how to combat the symptoms of sensitive teeth as effectively as possible, so that you are able to smile confidently, enjoy an ice cream and be comfortable and pain free again soon.

The importance of looking after your teeth and gums

Visiting your dentist on a regular basis


Clean teeth and healthy gums in Sutton are vital for good oral health and overall well-being. It is important to visit your dentist on a regular basis so that your teeth can be fully examined and the dentist can check to make sure that your mouth is clean, healthy and that there are no underlying issues present. Not all dental issues are symptomatic however toothache, bleeding gums, sensitivity and bad breath are symptoms that should not be ignored. If you are experiencing any of these issues it may be a sign of underlying dental problems and need to be attended to immediately to prevent further damage and complications. Visiting your hygienist alongside your dental appointments at Benhill Dental Practice is an extremely important form of preventive therapy in dental hygiene and is required to help maintain clean teeth and healthy gums in Sutton.

The role of the hygienist in maintaining healthy gums

Optimal gum health is vital for good dental health. Your hygienist will help educate you about good oral hygiene techniques, advise as to how to maintain good dental health and give nutritional advice and information about specific foods which may be beneficial or should be avoided to make sure that you have healthy gums in Sutton. The hygienist is concerned with identifying and preventing dental issues by examining your mouth thoroughly to check for any signs or symptoms and to identify them early on and therefore prevent further complications by treating them successfully before they can cause damage to the surrounding dentition. The Field of dentistry concerned with gum health and issues of the supporting structures of the teeth is known as periodontics. The periodontium consists of your gums, alveolar bone, the cementum which attaches the tooth to the alveolar bone and the ligament which holds the tooth in place. Periodontics is involved with the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases and conditions affecting these structures. These include gingivitis, which is commonly known as gum disease, which is an infection and inflammation of the gums and if left untreated can result in periodontitis, which is the infection of the other structures of the periodontium.

Gingivitis and periodontitis

Gingivitis can occur throughout all stages of life and is a key dental issue that may be experienced by most adults at least once in their lifetime. Gingivitis usually occurs as a result of poor oral hygiene and avoiding regular visits to the dentist. Other factors such as pregnancy, smoking, poor nutrition, specific medications and another underlying disease can also result in gingivitis. Bad breath and bleeding gums are the key symptoms of gingivitis and should never be ignored. The earlier that this can be detected the fewer complications there will be in the future, if left untreated gingivitis can spread and infect your remaining healthy gums and other structures of your mouth resulting in periodontitis. Periodontitis is a severely painful condition and can ultimately result in tooth loss. Book an appointment with your dentist here at Benhill dental practice and you can undergo a full examination to make sure that you have clean teeth, healthy gums in Sutton and start enjoying better oral health from today.