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Category: Sensitive Teeth

Managing and Treating Sensitive Teeth in Sutton

At our Sutton-based dental practice, we have a keen understanding of the discomfort that can be caused by sensitive teeth. Consuming hot or cold foods and drinks should not be a painful experience. As experts in treating sensitive teeth in Sutton, we aim to restore the comfort of your eating and drinking experiences. At Benhill Dental Practice, we use up-to-date techniques and high-quality materials to ensure our patients’ well-being. We realise the diverse needs of our patients, and we tailor our treatments to match each individual’s situation. Rest assured, we are dedicated to helping you manage and treat sensitive teeth comprehensively and efficiently. Remember, there’s no need to suffer in silence with sensitive teeth. We invite you to join the myriad of happy and satisfied patients who have found relief from tooth sensitivity at Benhill Dental Practice.

Understanding Sensitive Teeth


At Benhill Dental Practice, we believe that understanding the issue is the first step towards effective treatment. Tooth sensitivity typically results from enamel wear or gum recession, exposing the dentin beneath. This dentin contains tiny tubes that, when exposed, allow hot, cold, or sweet foods to reach the tooth’s nerve, causing discomfort. While sensitive teeth are a common issue, it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. With our wealth of experience treating sensitive teeth in Sutton, we’re well-equipped to handle this common dental issue. We’re committed to not just treating, but also educating our patients about the causes and prevention of tooth sensitivity.

Why Choose Benhill Dental Practice for Your Sensitive Teeth?

Why should you choose us for your sensitive teeth treatment? Simply put, our expertise and dedication are second to none. In Sutton, we’ve garnered a stellar reputation for treating sensitive teeth with meticulous attention to detail and genuine care for our patients’ well-being. Our experienced team utilises advanced technology, ensuring precision and comfort in every procedure. As part of our commitment to excellent dental care, we constantly stay updated with the latest research and findings in dental sensitivity treatment. At Benhill Dental Practice, we believe in providing comprehensive solutions that address the root cause of your sensitivity, not just the symptoms. We pride ourselves on our patient-centric approach, aiming to make your journey towards a life free from tooth sensitivity as smooth and pleasant as possible.

Our Approach to Treating Sensitive Teeth

At Benhill Dental Practice, our approach to treating sensitive teeth is both comprehensive and personalised. We begin with a thorough examination to determine the cause of your sensitivity. Once diagnosed, we employ techniques that range from fluoride applications to gum grafts, depending on your specific needs. Our expertise allows us to offer solutions that not only alleviate your discomfort but also enhance your overall oral health. What sets us apart in Sutton is our commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction. We ensure you fully understand your treatment options, allowing you to make an informed decision about your dental care. Rest assured, we offer a relaxing and supportive environment where you’re treated not just as a patient, but as a valued part of the Benhill family.

Aftercare and Maintaining Your Dental Health

Beyond treating your sensitive teeth, we’re committed to helping you maintain your oral health. At Benhill Dental Practice, we offer comprehensive aftercare advice to prevent the recurrence of sensitivity. This includes guidance on the proper brushing technique, the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush, and the benefits of desensitizing toothpaste. Additionally, we recommend regular dental check-ups to monitor your oral health and promptly address any emerging issues. Our ultimate goal is not just to treat, but to arm you with the knowledge and tools needed to keep tooth sensitivity at bay. Trust us to be your partners in achieving and maintaining a healthy, comfortable smile in Sutton.

The draining effect of sensitive teeth Sutton

Toothache is probably one of the worst pains that one can experience because it is located in the mouth and affects our eating habits. Experiencing sensitive teeth Sutton is extremely debilitating and can affect our temperament and sleeping patterns. If you are experiencing these issues let our team at Benhill Dental Practice know.


What causes sensitive teeth?

There are numerous factors that can cause sensitive teeth Sutton, and identifying the cause is the first priority of our dentist. Immediate sensitivity can occur when you have your teeth whitened, but this normally subsides quickly. Poor oral hygiene can result in gum recession, which can expose a section of a tooth. Brushing teeth too vigorously can damage the dentin of the tooth and expose the tubules that lead to the dental nerves. Dental cavities can be quickly revealed by the sensitivity they create. Gum disease is one of the most common causes of sensitive teeth Sutton. Eating too much acidic food is another culprit that can cause the erosion of your dental enamel over a period of time.

Preventive dentistry

The first line of defence is for our dentist to employ preventive dentistry to avoid sensitive teeth. All of us only ever receive one permanent set of teeth once our baby teeth have all come out. As this is the only set of teeth we will get to take us through our lifetime, it makes sense to take proper care of them. Our Dentists constantly educate patients on the importance of correct oral care so that the patients don’t have to endure losing their teeth through decay and poor oral hygiene. Unfortunately, all too often this education falls on deaf ears, and teeth are often the victim of poor oral hygiene. Those regular six-monthly dental visits are also vital, allowing our dentist to examine your teeth and identify any signs that your teeth may become sensitive later.

Using the correct equipment

This century has seen some amazing developments in the equipment that you can use at home to take care of your teeth. Electric toothbrushes and water spouts all help to make dental care more efficient and effective. The correct hardness of your toothbrush and toothbrush head in an electric toothbrush must be the correct one for our teeth and gums. We are all different and our dentist will recommend the correct toothbrush and toothpaste to help you avoid suffering with sensitive teeth. Rinsing using the correct solution that is not too strong can help in avoiding

suffering from sensitive teeth. The correct flossing technique is important so that you don’t damage your teeth.

There is no need to suffer

We seem to understand that our cars need regular servicing to keep them from causing problems, yet many of us do not apply the same principle to our teeth and gums. It’s quite incredible to think that all we have to do is brush our teeth after meals or at least twice a day and visit the dentist twice a year to look after our teeth. Our teeth are extremely precious and help us to chew our food, smile and be confident, yet some of us do not look after them as we should. There is no need to suffer the pain of sensitive teeth when all it takes is a simple but effective oral regime!

What are the causes of sensitive teeth?

There are many different factors which can result in sensitivity of your teeth and here at Benhill Dental Practice we know that sensitivity is an uncomfortable and painful problem. Rest assured however that it is a common problem that we deal with on a regular basis and we encourage you to book an appointment with your dentist at our practice to find out more about how we can help you with sensitive teeth Sutton.

One of the main causes of sensitive teeth Sutton is the loss of tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the essential thin outer layer of your tooth which is designed to protect the dentine underneath. Over the course of life, although it is the hardest tissue in the human body, unfortunately enamel can gently erode away and become worn, which slowly leads to the exposure of the dentine underneath, thus causing sensitive teeth Sutton. Enamel erosion occurs as a result of high levels of sugar and acids in your diet which lead to the formation of plaque and tartar on your teeth. Unfortunately, this can not only affect the enamel, but cause other dental diseases such as tooth decay or gingivitis too. Smoking and tobacco can have a detrimental effect on your tooth enamel. Other factors such as brushing your teeth too vigorously or misalignment of your teeth or jaw which results in grinding of your teeth can also damage the enamel. There are some underlying diseases which can result in enamel erosion and eating disorders are also detrimental to your oral health. Our dentist here at Benhill Dental Practice will provide friendly and experienced advice to help you deal with sensitivity.

The signs and symptoms of sensitivity

One of the first signs of sensitivity, which is also the main symptom, is pain or tingling in your mouth when you are eating or drinking. This is usually worsened by either extremes of temperature, so you may find that you are unable to enjoy ice creams or cold drinks, or tolerate hot food or hot drinks such as tea and coffee. In this situation it is important that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can help ease your discomfort and prevent further complications in the future. Sensitive teeth are a common problem and you can rest assured that your comfort and ease is our main priority. We want you to experience optimal oral health for as long as possible in life, so speak to us at Benhill Dental Practice to find out how we can help you. We know that sensitivity issues can hinder lifestyle choices and with good advice we  will prevent this as much as possible for you. Speak to us to find out about how you can protect your tooth enamel and also so we can help advise you on how to combat the symptoms of sensitive teeth as effectively as possible, so that you are able to smile confidently, enjoy an ice cream and be comfortable and pain free again soon.

Why do I have sensitive teeth and how can I stop it?

Do hot or cold beverages cause you to hold your mouth in pain? It sounds like you might be experiencing tooth sensitivity. Sensitive teeth are a result of weakened enamel, worn down and scraped away over the years, that leaves your tooth roots exposed and unprotected. The unpleasant sensation, which can vary from a slight twinge to extreme pain, could also be signs of gum disease or a broken tooth that has cracked to your gumline.

Sensitive Teeth in SuttonIf your sensitivity issues are an ongoing struggle, come to our clinic, Benhill Dental Practice, so that we can find the source of your troubles.

What is enamel and what role does it play in my mouth?

Teeth are healthy when the enamel, the protective outer layer, is strong and safeguards the mouth from the onslaught of germs.

What could potentially damage this enamel?

However, daily exposure to highly acidic and sugary food and drinks wears down enamel, weakening and eventually eroding the layer altogether, leaving the inside of a tooth vulnerable to the elements. When this happens, you are likely to experience varying levels of discomfort, dependent on the extent of the damage. If you decide to consume these beverages on the odd occasion, our advice is to drink them in one sitting and through a straw; the less contact your teeth have with these sugary substances, the better.

People also incorrectly assume that vigorously brushing your teeth is the only way to remove germs. Your actions might be effective in getting rid of bacteria, but you are also slowly scraping away vital enamel. We recommend that you gently brush your teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush. This method of cleaning prioritises oral health without damaging your teeth’s outer layer.

Conversely, some of our patients do not spend enough time cleaning their teeth, and as a result, plaque builds up, eventually calcifies into tartar which can lead to the development of the gum disease called Gingivitis. A visible symptom of the disease is deep pockets forming between your teeth and gums. This happens because your gums are receding, and as your gums recede bit-by-bit, more of your tooth is left exposed and vulnerable to harmful germs. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss frequently to avoid this illness.

What treatments can reverse the adverse effects of sensitive teeth?

Not knowing what could trigger your pain and consequently avoiding certain food and drink prevents you from enjoying all of the good things in life.

Regain your old life back, minus a few sweets and takeout meals, by undergoing these treatment options:

  • Desensitising toothpaste can help to block pain. Our dentist can recommend an over-the-counter brand that works quickly and effectively.
  • We can apply Flouride to the affected area. Not only does Flouride help to reduce pain but can strengthen your damaged enamel.
  • We can cover and protect your exposed tooth roots with fillings. Please note that you will need anaesthesia for this treatment.
  • You might need a root canal treatment as a worst-case scenario if the decay or damage extends below the gumline and infects the pulp of a tooth. Infected pulp has dire consequences if not removed, where you might even have to extract your tooth.

Are you suffering from sensitive teeth? It sounds like you require urgent dental care. Allow us to tend to your issue calmly and professionally.

Dental pain when eating ice cream? Benhill Dental Practice’s guide for managing sensitive teeth in Sutton

On a warm summer’s day, you should not have to feel worried about biting into a cool, refreshing ice lolly. On a cold winter’s day, you should not wince at the thought of ordering a hot chocolate at your regular coffee shop either.

Sensitive Teeth in SuttonIf you have a sensitive tooth or teeth, then these concerns are all too real for you and can be a serious pain (no pun intended).

What causes sensitive teeth?

A leading cause of sensitive teeth in Sutton is a loss of enamel on the tooth or teeth; this can be caused by a diet full of highly acidic foods and drinks like orange juice.

There are also other reasons for enamel loss such as nocturnal grinding, a cracked tooth or decay around a damaged filling.

What can I do?

If you suspect you have sensitive teeth in Sutton, the first thing to do is to check with a dental surgery that has experience in treating patients who suffer from sensitive teeth. It may be that you have a cracked filling or tooth, which can easily be repaired and immediately stop the sensitivity.

At Benhill Dental Practice Surgery, our dental team are experienced in helping patients who have sensitive teeth and will work to identify the cause and provide you with a personalised plan to minimise and stop the pain caused by sensitive teeth.

Home based options

Our dental team will provide you with advice on how you can minimise pain caused by sensitive teeth in Sutton and how you can prevent it recurring.

As many of our patients’ sensitivity is due to a wearing away of enamel, there are many options to choose from to strengthen your enamel at home.

Fluoride Toothpaste

We can advise you on which toothpaste we think will be the most beneficial for you.

Toothpaste that is high in fluoride will help strengthen and rebuild any enamel that you have lost whilst also keeping your teeth clean. To gain the most benefit, we recommend using a fluoride toothpaste twice a day until the sensitivity subsides.


If you and your dentist suspect that your dental sensitivity is due to nocturnal grinding while asleep, then it is time to invest in a mouthguard.

Although many pharmacists can give you over-the-counter mouthguards to help prevent grinding, it is best to seek out a dentist to provide a custom fitted one, shaped specifically to your mouth. That way, you can ensure the most comfort when asleep, as well as the best prevention.

Chew Gum

Chewing a sugar free gum creates large amounts of saliva in your mouth which helps harden tooth enamel.

Just make sure you have purchased a sugar free option; if you are chewing away on a sugary gum, your sensitivity will probably get worse.

It is important to establish what is causing your tooth sensitivity before attempting to treat it. It is a symptom, so call Benhill Dental Practice today for preventative dental care.

Why do I have sensitive teeth?

Sensitive teeth can occur for a multitude of reasons. Erosion can be caused by poor diet, frequent consumption of highly sugary or acidic foods or drinks as well as eating disorders, severe brushing and other medical conditions. Over time poor levels brushing can lead to the build up of dental plaque which can consequently lead to gum disease, this can cause the gum line to recede, which exposes the dentine tubules of the root which are extremely sensitive, this sensitivity can be made worse by extreme warm or cold temperatures. These dentine tubules lead directly to the nerve of the tooth, which can cause the tooth to become sensitive to everyday activities such as eating and brushing. One of our dentists at Benhill Dental Practice in Sutton may recommend a paste which can help reduce the level of discomfort experienced due to the sensitivity. This paste aims to seal the ends of these tubules, we offer this service in order to aim to reduce the discomfort for our patients who may have sensitive teeth in Sutton.

Sensitive Teeth in SuttonHow can we help your sensitive teeth at Benhill Dental Practice?

At our practice we offer an initial consultation to decipher the best individual plan for our patients. We offer top tips to reduce sensitivity and ensure further prevention. We may advise a certain type of toothpaste for example, or ways in which you can build up enamel, and reduce plaque in order to help eliminate further sensitivity.

How can I reduce sensitivity?

Some simple steps can help reduce sensitivity, and help to prevent its initial occurrence.

Brushing with a soft bristled brush can help reduce abrasion, despite your teeth feeling better it is important to brush gently to try and reduce the further wearing down of the gum tissue. Further prevention can be aided with a selective diet, avoidance of highly acidic foods such as citrus fruits can help to lower sensitive teeth in Sutton. Highly acidic foods can wear down enamel which leads to dentin exposure, which in turn causes pain. Maintaining dental hygiene is key, flossing and brushing correctly as well as adding a mouthwash into your regime can help to maintain this.

Why choose us at Benhill Dental Practice?

At our practice we pride ourselves in the care of our patients, we welcome all ages and offer NHS and private services. We have treated generations of families, and pride ourselves on our community reputation. We offer a variety of treatments including preventative dental care, treatment that aims to restore, as well as cosmetic dental services such as tooth whitening and veneers.

What if I am nervous about visiting the dentist?

Individuals may refrain from visiting their local dentistry surgery due to inconvenience, or due to the surrounding anxiety around dentists some patients feel. Anxiety may be caused by previous negative experiences, or simply an irrational fear. a multitude of members of our team have had experience with working with nervous patients. We refrain from using sedative treatment at our surgery, as we believe our modern treatments as well as reassurance at every stage are enough to relieve our patients nerves and discomfort.

Common dental issues and how your dentist can help

Looking after your teeth should be a top priority. You only get one adult set and replacing them with effective prosthetics is often a lengthy and costly business. Even if you are not at risk of tooth loss, there are some common problems that can occur with your teeth and gums that are unpleasant and best either avoided or treated as soon as possible. Fortunately, your dentist and the team at Benhill Dental Practice are standing by with advice, treatment and preventive measures to help you experience top quality oral health.

Sensitive Teeth in SuttonSome of the common issues that we see and help patients address all the time are discussed below.

Sensitive teeth

More than half of the adult population of the UK experience sensitive teeth at some point during their lives. This is where pain occurs when someone is eating or drinking. Usually, sensitive teeth are stimulated by extremes of temperature. If you are experiencing sensitive teeth in Sutton, your dentist can take a look at your teeth and ask you questions about your dental routine in order to offer you advice. Most problems with sensitive teeth can be address with a thorough clean and regular brushing with a specialist tooth paste.

Bad breath

Persistent bad breath is not great for you or your social life. It can lead to a loss of confidence and, often, it is a sign of a more serious issue with your teeth. Unless the cause can be traced back to something you have eaten or some health conditions, bad breath is often caused by gum disease. Along with a bad taste in the mouth, it is one of the symptoms of this type of infection. If gum disease is left untreated, it can cause damage to the gums and teeth and, eventually, it can cause tooth loss.


Tartar is a hard substance that builds up on the teeth over time. Even with regular brushing, it’s still possible to get some build up of tartar. A regular scale and polish at the dentist will remove it. This is advisable because tartar can cause other issues, such as gum disease, and it cannot be removed by brushing alone.

Preventing and treating sensitive teeth in Sutton

Do your teeth feel painful when eating or drinking something hot or cold? Extreme temperature changes can cause your teeth to expand and contract to create small cracks on the enamel that allow these sensations to reach through to the nerves. Sensitive teeth can be painful and even affect your diet.

At Benhill Dental Practice in Sutton, we will examine your teeth carefully and determine the cause of the sensitivity. Sensitive teeth can be the result of the underlying layer of your teeth being exposed, gum disease, clenching and grinding as well as vigorous brushing. In any case, our experienced dentists will help you identify the source of the problem and treat it before it becomes extensive.

Sensitive Teeth in SuttonWhat causes tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by different factors but it is usually associated with exposed dentine – the hard tissue that sits beneath tooth enamel. Human teeth are made of protective outer layers and an inner layer of dentine which protects the nerve of the tooth. When your teeth lose their outer layers, dentine is exposed to different factors that can cause pain, including extreme temperatures, acidic foods and drinks as well as brushing.

The exposure of the dentine, on the other hand, may be caused by tooth erosion, fractured teeth, broken fillings, decay, aggressive brushing and receding gums among others.

How to treat sensitive teeth

If you have sensitive teeth and suffer from pain and discomfort, we can help you by creating a customised care plan for you. Our dentists may recommend desensitizing toothpaste which can help block pain associated with sensitive teeth. In some cases, we may also recommend fluoride treatment for strengthening tooth enamel and reducing pain. Occasionally, exposed tooth surfaces can be treated by applying bonding resin. Patients are also advised to reduce the intake of acidic foods and drinks and take good care of their gums to reduce gum recession. Your dentist may also advise replacing old and leaky fillings as well as restoring cavities on your teeth.

Sometimes, sensitive teeth can be confused for cavities or abscesses that are not still visible. In any case, if you notice any change in your teeth’s sensitivity to temperature, contact us today.

Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth are a common problem that can make sufferers’ lives a nightmare. When your teeth are sensitive to extremes of hot and cold, treats such as a cooling ice cream on a hot summer’s day or a fresh, crunchy apple straight from the fridge may be off the menu. You may find yourself leaving your morning coffee to go lukewarm before you can drink it, wincing at the thought of ice in your cocktail coming into contact with your teeth. . .

sensitive teethThe good news is that if you suffer from sensitive teeth, your dentist will be able to help. While sensitive toothpastes work temporarily, many people find that when they stop using them their sensitivity returns.

You should always seek advice from a dental professional, because sensitive teeth have many causes. Your dentist will be able to identify the source of the problem and recommend appropriate treatment to get rid of sensitivity for good.

One of the most common causes of sensitive teeth is enamel erosion, also called dental erosion. Our teeth are coated by very strong enamel, which protects the more sensitive dentine underneath. Enamel may be worn away by dietary factors – consuming too much acidic or sugary food and drink – or by brushing your teeth too hard. Eating disorders and bruxism (tooth grinding) can also lead to enamel erosion.

Other common causes of sensitive teeth include gum disease, which can lead to gum recession, exposing the more sensitive roots of the teeth. Pockets may form in the gums around the tooth, making it more difficult to keep the area clean and thus further exacerbating the problem.

Cracked teeth and broken fillings can also lead to sensitive teeth, as cracks can run all the way from the tooth surface down to the sensitive root.

Using second-rate tooth whitening products bought from the internet or from beauty salons can also increase your chances of developing sensitive teeth. If you have teeth whitening from a dental professional, the products will be safe and in some cases will have added ingredients to help prevent sensitivity from developing.