Teeth whitening Sutton is a great way to improve the appearance of your smile for a boost in self-confidence or if you are looking to make a great impression. It is innocuous and non-invasive and can transform your appearance quickly and stunningly. If you are unhappy with the colour of your teeth, speak to us at Benhill Dental Practice and find out about gentle and efficient teeth whitening Sutton.

Is teeth whitening suitable for you?
Teeth whitening is ideal for patients with healthy teeth and gums. If you require restorative dental treatment or other procedures then you can whiten your teeth after your treatment is complete. We will carry out a smile assessment to find out if teeth whitening Sutton is suitable for you. If you have sensitive teeth then teeth whitening may worsen your symptoms, but we can advise on other cosmetic dental treatments for you. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding then it is best to delay teeth whitening as the bleaching agents may not be good for the baby. Also teeth whitening does not work on crowns, veneers, bridges or dentures so you would have to look at other options to improve the appearance of your teeth.
Boutique teeth whitening
Teeth become yellow and stained as a result of many different reasons, including poor oral hygiene, avoiding the dentist, your choice of food and drink, lifestyle choices such as smoking, underlying health conditions and certain medications such as tetracycline. Here at Benhill Dental Practice we offer Boutique teeth whitening for a beautiful white smile. As mentioned we will first carry out an examination to make sure that teeth whitening is appropriate for you. We will then take an impression of your mouth to create a set of bespoke whitening trays. These trays will fit your mouth accurately for optimal results. You will be provided with a whitening toothpaste to begin the process whilst you wait for your whitening trays. Once the trays are ready then you will be provided with the treatment kit and you can begin the treatment in the comfort of your own home.
Day or night treatment
You can choose a day treatment kit or a night treatment kit depending on your personal preferences. The day gel consists of 6% hydrogen peroxide and is only kept in the mouth for an hour to quickly break down stain molecules on the surface of your teeth. The night gel consists of 10% carbamide peroxide or 16% carbamide peroxide, depending on your needs, to gently break down stain molecules on the surface of your teeth. The lower concentration is more suitable for those with sensitive teeth. We will talk you through the advantages of each of the treatments helping you to decide on the best treatment option for you. The treatment itself takes between 1 and 3 weeks to help you achieve a beautiful white smile so speak to us at Benhill Dental Practice today. With teeth whitening we can help you improve the appearance of your smile significantly, boost your self-confidence and allow you to beam happily at yourself in the mirror and show off your teeth to the rest of the world too.